Step into the cloud with the right approach

Creating customized cloud solutions at the heart of your business.

Every business is different. What are you migrating to the cloud? Where do you start? Who is in charge of the cloud? What will the cloud cost? How will you learn to deal with the new development methods the cloud brings? The key to successfully adopting the cloud is getting it first time right.

On the technical side, we design customized landing zone environments that connect seamlessly to your current on-premise solutions. On the business side, we help you form highly disciplined cloud teams in your organization that will carry your ambition forward. And on the people side, we’ll make sure your staff is trained and educated on all the solutions we implement.

Together we build

The foundation of your cloud journey.

Cloud Financial Management (FinOps)

Cloud Financial Management, also known as FinOps, is a new approach of cloud that ensures that you’re doing everything according to cost-effective best practices. We help your organization to become aware of cloud waste, how to solve it and then how to actively prevent it. This relates to all levels of stakeholders: from CFO’s and budget owners to the engineers that are in control of the costs.

Cloud Procurement Contracting Advisory

Making sure you have the most optimal terms and conditions in place.

Cloud FinOps Framework

This Framework is made with the purpose to implement cloud cost management within any organization, and is built on Cost Analysis, Cost Optimization and finally Cost Management.

Cost Optimization Scans

We continuously scan your environment and fully utilize your cost savings potential on AWS.

FinOps Essentials training

A training on all the FinOps basics necessary to maintain a healthy cloud bill.


Cloud Foundation

A landing zone should not only be secure and compliant, but also scalable, flexible, and efficient. Lack of proper foundational design can result in issues in those areas later. Before starting with production workloads on AWS, it’s highly recommended to have properly considered all the related design questions which are involved with such an AWS landing zone. 

However, organizations adopting AWS also prefer to start fast. To address the ‘start fast’ versus ‘start well-architected’ dilemma, Oblivion offers the Cloud Foundation. 


Landing zones

Creating customized cloud solutions at the heart of your business.


High level rules that are set for the entire AWS environment.

Account Factory

Automated provisioning of new AWS accounts in a standardized way.


A continuous overview of resource compliance based on the set policies.


Cloud Center of Excellence

A solid foundation allows you to continue your migration planning. To create a dedicated cloud governance within your organization, we set up proactive teams that have a clear responsibility when it comes to cloud. This team is your Cloud Center of Excellence and is the driving force behind your organization’s internal cloud adoption.

We make sure your Cloud Center of Excellence is aware of all the steps that need to be taken and we give them the sense of responsibility to carry them out.

Organizational Models

We design organizational models that describe all capabilities that need to be present in your CCoE.

Organizational Roles

Additionally, we give you a blueprint of all the roles necessary to create the CCoE. And help you source these roles effectively: internally or through a partner.

Cloud Migration Planning

A detailed timeline of all the steps that are to be taken by your CCoE to successfully land into the cloud.

AWS Migration Acceleration Program

As an official AWS Migration Partner, Oblivion can arrange funds to speed up your migration.


Training Bootcamps

We not only solve your cloud challenge, we also actively train your staff to do it themselves. That’s why our mission is to guide our customers to become self-sufficient and innovative on a successful and cost-effective cloud-journey.

For very step that we accomplish in the cloud we make sure that you’re enabled to continue on your own after we have handed it over. “Voordoen, samen doen, zelf doen”, is what we call it in Dutch.

Official AWS Training

Our certified trainers bring you up to speed on the latest AWS knowledge.

CloudOps Bootcamp

Multiple days of intensive onsite training sessions by trainers of AWS and Oblivion.

15 years of experience on AWS

Ahead in the cloud.

Innovation is in our DNA. And so is AWS. That’s why organizations that work with Oblivion get even more from the cloud. We are your one stop shop for cloud consultancy, design, migrations or next-generation managed services. Building on and with AWS products and services, we deliver star quality, security and reliability. We help you find and solve cloud infrastructure needs, security – and continuity risks and guide you through migrations.

We help you optimize your performance, agility and efficiency and keep you safe along the way. We migrate complete, physical data centers one day and develop scalable, high-availability application platforms for worldwide e-commerce setups the next. To name a few.

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